Ghosts in the Projector: haunting a cinema near you

Ghosts and hauntings have long been a popular choice for film and television. The recent film, 1408, based on a short story by Stephen King, and starring John Cusack, is bound to be a winner for those who like to be thoroughly scared. But those going to watch the film might just get more than they bargained for ... Ellie Stevenson looks at the ghosts of cinema, on and off the silver screen.
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Ghosts and hauntings have long been a popular choice for film and television. The recent film, 1408, based on a short story by Stephen King, and starring John Cusack, is bound to be a winner for those who like to be thoroughly scared. But those going to watch the film might just get more than they bargained for …

Supernatural writer Mike Enslin takes life to a different level when he, as part of his research on all things ghostly, books into room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel. The room is said to be haunted – as the film trailer warns: “no one lasts more than an hour.” The good news for Enslin is the reputed 56 deaths in the room – guaranteed copy for his next book, that and the $800 whisky, offered by the Manager to fortify him during his stay. It didn’t help.

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Ellie Stevenson
About the Author
Ellie Stevenson is a freelance writer and former careers adviser and has lived in one of the largest and one of the smallest islands in the world. She has written for a number of magazines including The Lady, Local History Magazine and Worcestershire Now.