How to write a best seller: An interview with Rusty Young

What does it feel like to write a best-selling book? Rusty Young published Marching Powder in 2003 and its ingredients are a powerful combination. It is non-fiction, and involves a Bolivian jail, drug trafficking, a curiously charismatic British inmate named Thomas who started tourist tours to the jail, plus a bit of adventure and suspense. Four years on from Marching Powder, Rusty h
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What does it feell like to write a best-selling book? Rusty Young published the very successful book Marching Powder in 2003.

Rusty has a degree in law, and has worked in banking, as well as been a barman, shoe salesman and English teacher and voluntary prisoner in the Bolivian jail his book was set in. But writing is his real passion. Four years on from Marching Powder, he’s just resigned from his day job to finish his second book in South America.

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Emma Sorensen
About the Author
Emma Sorensen is a freelance writer and editor. She was previously Editor of Arts Hub UK. She has a background in literature and new media, having worked as an editor and commissioning editor in book publishing, as well as with websites and magazines in the UK and Australia.