Career Profile: Nick Hennegan, theatre producer

Nick Hennegan set up Maverick Theatre in Birmingham in 1994 with composer Robb Williams - on the eve of their comeback tour he talks to Angela Meredith about theatre in pubs and on estates and persuading Sir Derek Jacobi to work with them.
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Nick Hennegan set up Maverick Theatre in Birmingham in 1994 with composer Robb Williams. The company went from strength to strength, offering theatre in pubs and on estates – and persuading names such as Sir Derek Jacobi to work with them. After a six-year break, Maverick relaunches in September with a tour of Henry V – Lion of England, which Nick wrote, directed and co- produced. He is also planning a move to London to become Resident Director at Shakespeare’s Globe for Rutgers University for eight months. Angela Meredith finds out how he still finds time to present the breakfast show on radio and watch Neighbours.

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Angela Meredith
About the Author
Angela Meredith is a freelance journalist/writer who covers the Arts, travel and leisure and consumer health. Her work has appeared on websites such as Men’s Health, Discovery Health and TravelZoo – and this year she worked on the launch of the website as Travel/Leisure writer. She contributes accident and health and safety news to a personal injury website and has written extensively for the b2b journal Pharmacy Business. Angela is a former winner of Soho Theatre’s Verity Bargate Award for new playwrights and has written for BBC TV. In 2007 she was short listed for the Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook’s New Novel Award. She began her career as an actress and still acts occasionally. She is a full member of the NUJ and Equity and has a BA (Joint Hons) in Literature & History of Art and an MA in Literature.