Career Profile: Graeme Walker, artist, writer and country

Graeme Walker is an artist who studied at the University of Northumbria, and has worked in the UK and the Netherlands - he talks to Jesse Errey about how the best part of his job is not having one at all.
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Graeme Walker was born in Ayr, Scotland, in 1980, and studied at the University of Northumbria. His first London exhibition was in the BookArtBookShop in 2002, and he has published a number of books including Crisis! (2002) and The Drift Book (2004). Between 2004 and 2006 he curated events and exhibitions at Bookville, a mobile distributor, publish-a-thon, and centre for site-specific happenings, both in the UK and in the Netherlands. Apart from being a book-artist, performance-maker, one-man mummer, musician and cultural provocateur, Graeme Walker is also a country in and of himself. All queries can be directed to the embassy.

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Jesse Errey
About the Author
Jesse Errey is a singer and freelance writer who has lived and worked in the UK and the Netherlands. She is a graduate in physical theatre and modern mime from Theaterschool, Amsterdam, and has a Diploma in Fine Art from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.