The grad shows

"I am not cool enough to go to degree shows. I look awful in footless tights, the only time I ever tried to get an asymmetric haircut I looked like I had been dragged through a bush and square glasses just don’t suit me. But degree shows are achingly cool." Charlotte Appleyard talks about the new breed of grad shows taking the art world by storm.
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I am not cool enough to go to degree shows. I look awful in footless tights, the only time I ever tried to get an asymmetric haircut I looked like I had been dragged through a bush and square glasses just don’t suit me. But degree shows are achingly cool. Even snotty concierge service Quintessentially held a party to celebrate graduate fashion week, the Saturday Times magazine had a fashion spread of “art school chic” and the Royal College of Art have moved their show to an enormous custom-made marquee in South Kensington.

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Charlotte Appleyard
About the Author
Charlotte Appleyard works for a private contemporary art fund. She studied Philosophy and Theology at Oxford University and Art History at the Courtauld Institute. She has previously worked for The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the National Gallery in London.