Worse in the west

If you think arts funding is bad on the mainland then you should hear what Arts Council Northern Ireland has to complain about.
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Repeated cuts to funding make it seem like the ‘luck of the Irish’ has finally come to an end. Arts Council Northern Ireland has been hit with a triple whammy. Not only does it receive significantly less per capita than other Arts Councils, it’s had its budget frozen for three years, and, as if that weren’t enough, it will be suffer further cuts to help pay for the 2012 Olympics.

Roisín McDonough, Chief Executive of the Arts Council, is doing her best to remain positive ahead of the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 (CSR). The Arts Council’s focus has been to generate public, political, and industry support in Northern Ireland for its bid to secure increased funding. The stakes are high. McDonough recently said, “The success of our bid will mean a ‘make-or-break’ difference to our artists and arts organisations.”

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Craig Scutt
About the Author
Craig Scutt is a freelance author, journalist, and writer.