The great Hirst divide

Love his art, or hate it, Damien Hirst has made big waves through the art community and looks to continue to do so for some time yet with the opening of a new show in a church. Hannah Forbes Black investigates.
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The Mail accused him of “making barbarians of us all”. Charles Saatchi described him as “a genius”. Fellow artist Michael Craig Martin explained, “he wants to be king of the world”.

It could only be Damien Hirst, artist, entrepreneur and controversialist. He’s recently brought his New Religion exhibition, first shown in 2005, to new east London gallery Wallspace. The gallery is housed in a converted church, which is either a fitting venue for Hirst’s meditations on belief and death, or yet another example of his heavy-handed, unsubtle approach. What you believe depends on which side of the Great Hirst Divide you are on.

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Hannah Forbes Black
About the Author
Hannah Forbes Black is a freelance writer based in London.