Here’s Oscar

Will Martin Scorsese finally get the recognition he has long deserved from his industry? Will The Devil defeat The Queen? Does the best picture go to the best director? It’s Oscar time again, and what’s at stake — aside from millions of dollars worth of publicity — for this year’s round of contenders?
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The Academy Awards ceremony, the “Oscars” to its friends, turns seventy-nine this year. Born near the dawn of the sound film, Oscars have crowned annual kings and queens of the silver screen, cemented reputations, raised stars’ paychecks, and spawned controversies over the years. And it’s all about to happen again.

The earliest Oscars presided over a difficult period in Hollywood: the advent of sound created considerable upheaval in the film industry, and those early awards ceremonies not only acknowledged important work but also helped to stabilize the business of the business.

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E.P. Simon
About the Author
E.P. Simon is a NYC cultural historian, documentary filmmaker, and educator.