An honest comeback

The Treasury's new tax credit system looks all set to rejuvenate the industry it almost destroyed three years earlier. Craig Scutt reports.
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The UK film industry has had more ups and downs than Robbie Williams has had anti-depressants.

2003 was the biggest year ever. More than £1.1 billion was spent on production. Among the 45 major UK films produced that year were box office favourites Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

There was further UK involvement in 177 films with budgets over half a million, and a 21 percent increase in the number of indigenous films being made. The money spent on British productions rose a whopping 77 percent to £277 million compared with £156 million in 2002.

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Craig Scutt
About the Author
Craig Scutt is a freelance author, journalist, and writer.