Blogging author hits the big time

A young blogger gets published for a six-figure advance. Sounds like a match made in heaven, but things don't always go according to plan... Arts Hub hears from Mimi Foe, in response to our feature on the publishing craze of turning blogs into books.
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What’s it really like when your blog hits the big time and publishers come calling? Mimi Foe moved to the US with a masters degree in literature, failed to get a visa, and turned to stripping to make ends meet. She recorded it all in her beautifully written and often downright filthy blog Mimi in New York, described by the Guardian as “a blonde 26-year-old Cambridge graduate melds with New York’s immigrant community”. The blog quickly caught the attention of publishing insiders, and the book will be out in May 2007.

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Hannah Forbes Black
About the Author
Hannah Forbes Black is a freelance writer based in London.