Future Arts TV or Hype In The Sky?

What does Sky digital channel 267, otherwise known as Artsworld, offer that free-to-view television does not, and is it really worth it?
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“What do you want to watch?” Sky asked as part of last year’s high-profile advertising campaign that reeled my husband in hook, line and sinker. As an Aussie living in London getting up at 6am and dragging his carcass to the nearest Walkabout Bar for a morning of Southern Hemisphere sport started to lose its appeal as the English winter hit. His flippant remarks of ‘maybe we should get Sky’ turned into something more immediate and solemn. I, however, have yet to relent. Do I really want my weekends underscored with grunting Wallabies and the drone of Formula 1 cars? Do I want my Friday night viewing to consist of second-rate movies that weren’t worth going to the cinema for or those dreadful reality TV shows starring Jordan and Peter Andre? Lastly, do I really want to pay £40 a month for the privilege? My answer has always been a big resounding “no” but now I’m starting to soften, thanks to Sky digital channel 267, otherwise known as Artsworld.

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Debbie Davidson
About the Author
Hailing from the UK, Debbie has worked extensively in the performing arts and entertainment as an actor and teacher, spending many years with The Soho Group, London. She moved to Australia in 2000 where she headed an online arts and entertainment career board and contributed to many magazines. Careers in Performing Arts and Entertainment is her first book (although she hopes not her last).