Taxing Times

“A Court of Appeal ruling that the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (BSO), a registered charity, does not qualify to treat admission income as VAT exempt will hit museums, theatres, orchestras and zoos across the UK” stated professional services firm Deloitte, who advised the BSO in this case. Many share that concern.
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“A Court of Appeal ruling that the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (BSO), a registered charity, does not qualify to treat admission income as VAT exempt will hit museums, theatres, orchestras and zoos across the UK” stated Deloitte, a leading professional services firm, which advised the BSO in this case. The orchestra’s appeal was overturned because Michael Henson, Managing Director at the BSO also sat on the Board of Trustees making it not “essentially voluntary” and breaching one of the conditions for exemption. It is reported that the BSO will lose around £50,000 a year and will not be able to reclaim over £150,000 in tax it had previously paid.

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Debbie Davidson
About the Author
Hailing from the UK, Debbie has worked extensively in the performing arts and entertainment as an actor and teacher, spending many years with The Soho Group, London. She moved to Australia in 2000 where she headed an online arts and entertainment career board and contributed to many magazines. Careers in Performing Arts and Entertainment is her first book (although she hopes not her last).