SOFA – Manchester’s first ‘Art Bar’

"As a freshly graduated Visual Arts student, I know first hand the difficulty of displaying your work in a recognised establishment." Artist Jennie Keegan tells Arts Hub about the recent launch of the Sofa Art Bar in Manchester and why it's good news for practitioners like her.
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As a freshly graduated Visual Arts student, I know first hand the difficulty of displaying your work in a recognised establishment. So when a chance meeting with Licensee of Sofa Kim O’Brien came about, I was eager to make a lasting impression and further more, hoped she liked my work. It is a very personal thing to open your work and ideas to the public, especially when you have just left the security bubble of university and the constant creative, encouraging environment you’ve grown accustomed to over four years.

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Jennie Keegan
About the Author
Originally from Dublin, Jennie has worked and studied in the UK for the last sevens. Initially starting my career in fashion buying, she returned to Uni after three years to complete a BA (Hons) in Visual Art at Salford University. Amidst all the creativity, she realised my true hidden love for photography. This became the main focus of her work and has uncovered her more feminine side. Jennie's images are a celebration of feminine culture with inspirations including Burlesque, the Golden Era of Hollywood and feminine culture in today’s society. She is motivated by her own love for these subjects and hopes to find out what the wider appeal of such things to all women. Today, she continues to explore these ideas, finding inspiration from sometimes the most unusual outlets.